
Pierluigi Paganini January 06, 2023
Microsoft details techniques of Mac ransomware

Microsoft warns of different ransomware families (KeRanger, FileCoder, MacRansom, and EvilQuest) targeting Apple macOS systems. Microsoft Security Threat Intelligence team warns of four different ransomware families (KeRanger, FileCoder, MacRansom, and EvilQuest) that impact Apple macOS systems. The initial vector in attacks involving Mac ransomware typically relies on user-assisted methods, such as downloading and running fake […]

Pierluigi Paganini September 02, 2016
BitTorrent client Transmission found distributing Mac malware once again

It has happened again, Mac users who were looking for the BitTorrent client Transmission might have been infected by the OSX/Keydnap malware. Security experts from ESET have spotted the popular BitTorrent client called Transmission distributing Mac malware called OSX/Keydnap that is used to steal the content of OS X’s keychain and maintain a permanent backdoor on victims’PC. […]