Critical infrastructures

Pierluigi Paganini December 31, 2011
The power of social networks

For years now we live with the confirmation of the importance of social networks and their impact on daily life. As with any other subject there are many and conflicting opinions on what is considered a social revolution. Millions, billions of people who daily exchange thoughts, opinions, images, emotions, anything that makes us feel alive […]

Pierluigi Paganini December 29, 2011
Stuxnet, Duqu and the sons of the “Tilded” platform

We all have heard of Stuxnet viruses, malware that has undoubtedly marked a new era in the field. It is considered by experts the first real cyber weapon developed to infect control systems present in some of Iran’s nuclear facilities. With Stuxnet was, in fact, introduced a new concept of malware, a broad-spectrum deadly weapon […]

Pierluigi Paganini December 24, 2011
Iran, the cyber threat … are we creating a new enemy ?

“Iran, the super power capable of threatening the world”. This is the title of a hypothetical sensationalist article aimed to enhance the computer skills of a nation of which little is known. In recent weeks the strange coincidence of events is helping to fuel this belief that leaving the majority of Western countries perceive these […]

Pierluigi Paganini December 21, 2011
Malware attacks Georgia Hospital, have we learnt the lesson?

The medical industry is historically one of the sectors that has benefited more than others for the introduction of technology. Devices allow ever more complex operations every day to millions of patients and to medical equipments, from health conditions monitoring to remote surgery. Informations systems manage massive amounts of sensitive information, making them available to […]

Pierluigi Paganini December 19, 2011
Duqu – The worst may still have to come for critical infrastructures

Duqu, a name that we are reading since several months and with whom we have called a malware that scares the scientific community for some features we will shortly describe. I wrote a lot in this blog about Duqu and on more than one occasion we have raised doubts about the genesis of the agent. […]

Pierluigi Paganini December 18, 2011
SCADA and vulnerabilities to critical infrastructures

Over the last few months there have been different events that led to the story than they can be dangerous attacks on SCADA systems used to control production processes in industrial plants of various kinds, from industrial production to the provision of electricity supply or water. The concern is high, it could materialize the nightmare […]

Pierluigi Paganini December 12, 2011
From the mosaic theory to the stuxnet case

With the term of Mosaic theory we refer the method used in security analysis to gather information about a corporation. A natural extension of the method hit its application to ordinary life. Mosaic theory involves collecting information from different sources, public and private, to calculate the value of security. The key concept is the collection and […]

Pierluigi Paganini December 09, 2011
Top Nine cyber security trends for 2012? They are too few, isn’t it?

In this article I intend to read with you an interesting document, distributed by Imperva, in which they emphasized, the main threats that could cause significant problems in the coming year.  Please carefully read the entire article, first we discuss the nine threats that worry Imperva, then I will introduce the most dangerous threats from my point of view. Do not spend days where you do not hear of cyber threats, risks and possible defense strategies implemented. Governments but […]

Pierluigi Paganini December 06, 2011
How much cost malware production? Which are the processes for the production of virus? (Part.2)

Here I am, as promised, to continue the research started together regarding the cost of malware. Reading news of more or less aggressive viruses that cause many damages to public infrastructure to private citizens and sometimes endangering human life itself. But when we are dealing with someone that has different works and that has no […]

Pierluigi Paganini December 05, 2011
“Cyber India” lights and shadows of the country full of contradictions

The Economy of India is the ninth largest in the world by nominal GDP and the fourth largest by purchasing power parity (PPP). The country is a part of the G-20 major economies, Goldman Sachs predicts that “from 2007 to 2020, India’s GDP per capita in US$ terms will quadruple”, and that the Indian economy will surpass the United States (in US$) by 2043, this are […]