
Pierluigi Paganini May 13, 2014
Ajax Security Team lead Iran-based hacking groups

FireEye published a report titled “Operation Saffron Rose” to document the activities of the Iranian hacking group named Ajax Security Team According to a recent report titled “Operation Saffron Rose” published by cybersecurity company FireEye, a group called the Ajax Security Team is the principal Iranian hacking group, it is responsible for different espionage campaigns on custom-built malicious software. “This group, which […]

Pierluigi Paganini May 11, 2014
US DoJ proposal legalizes secret hacking for federal agencies

US DoJ formalized a proposal to allow U.S Federal Agencies to secretly hack suspects’ computers to collect criminal evidence into investigations. The US Justice Department (DOJ) wants secretly hack into the suspected criminal’s computer during investigations at any times in bunches for collection of evidence. The document titled “COMMITTEE ON RULES OF PRACTICE AND PROCEDURE” defines […]

Pierluigi Paganini May 07, 2014
Disclosed emails reveal assiduous collaboration between Google and NSA

Al Jazeera obtained the emails exchanged between Google executives and former NSA director Alexander which suggest that Google is very close to NSA. The IT Giants Apple, Google and Microsoft always denied any involvement in the surveillance program despite Edward Snowden as produced different documents attesting to the inconvenient truth. Now a new event is shocking the […]

Pierluigi Paganini May 06, 2014
Does NSA use encoded tweets to conduct a recruiting campaign?

The NSA used the twitter account to send an encoded message that has created the chaos on The Internet. The mystery was solved soon … what’s happening? The NSA has started a bit of a Tweet-storm, this morning the followers of the NSACareers Twitter account noticed a curious cryptic message sent from the careers account of the Agency. Coincidentally, […]

Pierluigi Paganini May 04, 2014
Possible evolution of the dispute between Russia and Ukraine

Intelligence Analysts analyzing signals from the cyberspace have tried to predict the evolution of the dispute between Ukraine and Russia. The correlation of the events in the reality with ongoing activities in the cyber space is an essential part of the OSINT analysis. Security experts at Recorded Future, a firm partly funded by the CIA venture capital […]

Pierluigi Paganini May 03, 2014
Covert Redirect security vulnerability found in OAuth and OpenID

Covert Redirect vulnerability is the security flaw in the open standards for authorization OAuth and OpenID that is menacing IT industry. Another security flaw in the open standards for authorization OAuth and OpenID is scaring IT industry. Just a few weeks after the disclosure of the Heartbleed vulnerability, another major flaw was discovered in the open […]

Pierluigi Paganini April 27, 2014
Reading the Verizon Data Breach Investigation Report 2014

Verizon Data Breach Investigation Report 2014, to better understand how attackers can affect company business, and learn the proper countermeasures. Verizon firm provided the first data related to its annual report titled Verizon’s 2014 Data Breach Investigations Report (DBIR). The document reports specific sections around common incident patterns covering the bad actors, the techniques used, targets hit, timelines […]

Pierluigi Paganini April 25, 2014
US Government coordinated hacktivist to hit foreign governments

Hacktivist Hector Xavier Monsegur, former leader of LulzSec collective, may have coordinated state-sponsored attacks for the U.S. Government. The New York time published the news that an FBI informant, Hector Xavier Monsegur, coordinated in 2012 a campaign of hundreds of cyberattacks on foreign websites. In many cases we discussed the possibility to exploit hacktivism to support […]

Pierluigi Paganini April 17, 2014
Cyber warriors fought between the government and the security industry

The demand for cyber security experts continues to raise, the US Government announced further investment to recruit new cyber talents with many difficulties. Cyber security is officially one of the first targets of every government, many countries announced huge investments to improve their cyber capabilities, a great effort that is having a significant impact on budgets and politics. […]

Pierluigi Paganini April 15, 2014
APWG report 2H2013- Analysis of phishing phenomena on global scale

The APWG report 2H2013 seeks to understand trends and their significance by quantifying the scope of the global phishing problem. Last Anti-Phishing Working Group APWG report titled “Global Phishing Survey: Trends and Domain Name Use in 2H2013” confirms that threat of phishing has never been so high, the number of domains registered to conduct this kind of […]